The following table summarizes all historical trades made by the Swapperbox $BTC channel on Telegram. It also includes links to the signals that triggered the trades.
Start Date | Latest Update | USD ROI1 | BTC ROI1 |
5/1/2021 | 8/22/2024 | 163.09% | 63.21% |
mm/dd/YYYY | Signal | Symbol | Trigger Price | Link to Signal | Algorithm |
8/22/2024 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 61319.38 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
6/24/2024 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 61250.13 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
2/9/2024 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 47389.99 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
1/14/2024 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 41973.1 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
10/10/2023 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 27778.57 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
8/5/2023 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 29048 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
6/21/2023 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 28930 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
4/23/2023 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 27474.47 | Telegram Signal | F9345E9 |
2/17/2023 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 27395.13 | Telegram Signal | 60E02EF |
2/28/2023 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 23520 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
2/17/2023 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 24575.35 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
2/9/2023 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 21800.69 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
2/9/2023 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 17266.63 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
9/25/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 18808.64 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
9/9/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 21272.38 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
8/17/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 23791.89 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
7/24/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 22848.77 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
6/12/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 27607.79 | Telegram Signal | B88A1BC |
5/31/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 32033.82 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
5/20/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 29120.39 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
5/17/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 30371.45 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
5/3/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 37725.64 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
4/28/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 39744.52 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
4/6/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 45290.01 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
3/17/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 40939.36 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
3/5/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 39164.72 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
1/29/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 37844.08 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
1/18/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 41598.1 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
1/11/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 42740.0 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
1/6/2022 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 42942.03 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
1/2/2022 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 47348.38 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
12/16/2021 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 48605.06 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
12/7/2021 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 51781.83 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
11/13/2021 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 64389.0 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
11/8/2021 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 66410.37 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
11/1/2021 | SELL | BTCBUSD | 60939.91 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
10/5/2021 | BUY | BTCBUSD | 49812.79 | Telegram Signal | F7F745F |
9/19/2021 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 47646.72 | Telegram Signal | N/A |
7/3/2021 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 34669.13 | Telegram Signal | N/A |
6/18/2021 | SELL | BTCUSDT | 37715.03 | Telegram Signal | N/A |
6/2/2021 | BUY | BTCUSDT | 38040.7 | Telegram Signal | N/A |
- The ROI (return on investment) is calculated based on the data in the table and does not take into account the current position results. We present the ROI in both BTC and USD terms. The ROI in BTC is based on the latest BUY signal, while the ROI in USD is based on the latest SELL signal.
How To Audit the Signals
Auditing Swapperbox signals is easy. To verify that signals were sent and executed at the correct prices, follow these steps:
- Visit the link to the signal to see the full details.
- Verify that the signal exists and has not been edited.
- Check that the signal matches the description, including the symbol, price, and date.
- Check the date and time of the full signal.
Once you have the date and time of the full signal, you can compare it to the spot price of the symbol for the given date and time. To do this, search for the actual price for the given timestamp in any independent, historical price data broker, such as Yahoo Finance or CoinMarketCap. Verify that the given trigger price is close to the real price.
Note: The trigger price will not exactly match the historical price, but it should be very close.
Finally, you can verify that the signals were not cherry-picked by checking if you can find any signals that are not listed in the trade history. Most signals are also present on the Swapperbox Twitter channel, so you can double-check them in two independent platforms.
Note: Not all signals will have the BUY or SELL warning on them, but you can know there was a signal because of the change in the Position of the signal.
I hope this is helpful!